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Avocado - A True Health Food, Especially for the Liver

We like to find foods that are inherently healthy, especially when they are also a delicious addition to your meal. In addition, we are always looking for healthy foods for the liver, as we know both our health and our ability to maintain our weight under control depends on a functioning liver. Foods such as turmeric and other herbs and spices, as we indicated in our website provide a healthy liver, and in this article we emphasize the advantages of the other: the lawyer.

So for those who have not yet started using lawyers in your diet,we will introduce this wonderful
food. Most people think it is a vegetable, but grows on trees and reproduces by seed,
which makes it technically a fruit. It was developed and cultivated for centuries in Mexico, Central and South America, but over the last two hundred years, fifty years has been set up in other parts of the world. The product is grown in the Mediterranean, Africa and the Far East as well as Southern California.
Thus, the lawyer can help the liver:

• Vitamin C. Avocados are rich in this vitamin, which act as antioxidants to neutralize free radicals. These are necessary for the growth and repair of cells and liver cells are vital for repairing the organ is necessary can continue to do their job.

• The production of glutathione. People who have chronic liver disease usually found to have low levels of glutathione. The name of the mother of all antioxidants, the good news is that our body can not produce this master detoxification necessary, bad news may be depleted by poor diet, among other things. The lawyers help the body produce glutathione.

• Healthy fats. There are good fats and bad fats, and lawyers are definitely in the "good fat" category. People suffering from fatty liver disease have a profile of LDL, or bad cholesterol. The increase in HDL or good cholesterol can improve cholesterol profile and liver health.

The delicious avocado provides health benefits not only what he does for our liver. Help our immune system, helps the cardiovascular system (for its healthy cholesterol levels), and is ideal for eye health. Lawyer with both lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids that protect the eyes to the problems associated with aging.

An average size avocado has about 250-300 calories, so are not as healthy as they want to exaggerate. Many people who eat guacamole, which is great, but garnish each salad with avocado slices. Another idea is to cut it in half, remove the center and fill with some shrimp or crab, topped with a little cocktail sauce. There are many ideas on the Internet to use a lawyer. They can be diced, sliced, broken or smoothies are great alone or offer a perfect complement to many foods

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