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Skin cancer on face

There are over one million new cases of skin cancer are skin cancer on face diagnosed each year in the United States, which accounts for about half of all cancers diagnosed in the country. And skin cancer on a dramatic increase. There are twice as many skin cancers in our population today 20 years ago they were. Given this growth rate, the chances are 50/50, which will take at least a cancerous skin lesion if you live to 70 years. This is especially skin cancer on face true if you are fair-skinned. While skin cancer can occur in people of all races, those with fair skin have skin cancer on face a much higher risk because their skin contains less of the pigment melanin, which protects against an overdose of harmful ultraviolet rays sun, which can cause cancer of the skin longer. The effect is apparently cumulative. A body of evidence also suggests that this also applies if you decide to go the "Fake Bake" road tanning salons skin cancer on face.

Fortunately, most skin cancers skin cancer on face, about 95 percent are not life threatening. Skin cancer is divided into two broad areas: basal cell cancer / cancer sqamous cells, and melanoma. The two most common of these cancers are basal cell carcinomas and sqamous cells. These are usually easily treated, usually skin cancer on face with surgery and rarely lead to death. If neglected, however, with time, it can eventually lead to disfigurement and / skin cancer on face or can spread with disastrous consequences. Only about 5 percent of all skin cancers are malignant melanomas, but they are much more dangerous and account for almost all deaths from skin cancer. This aggressive form of cancer must be treated immediately. Like most cancers, the risk of melanoma increases with age. If you feel you have developed a kind of skin cancer, be sure to consult a dermatologist immediately skin cancer on face.

 skin cancer on face

Most skin cancers skin cancer on face, as one might imagine, occur on the face, neck and hands as these are the areas that receive the most sun exposure due to the fact that most of us carry clothes. They are also the most visible to other regions. As usual emphasis AMA (American Medical Association) for skin cancer is knife and needle, you can leave unsightly scars where you may not want skin cancer on face.

But there are alternatives. Having had a number of cancers of non-melanoma skin, I had the opportunity to try both the AMA (have the scars to prove it), as well as several "alternative" methods. The method of treatment that I installed on the skin cancer on face Chaparral herb. Chaparral is a plant that grows in the deserts of the American Southwest and has historically been used by indigenous peoples of the region for a number of ailments. Today you can find in powder form in most health food stores. A small bag is there and only costs a few dollars skin cancer on face.

I make a paste by mixing the powder with wheat germ oil (also found in your health food store) and apply it directly to the lesion. Then covered with a plaster. I do it once in the morning (after my shower) and one in the evening for skin cancer on face six or seven days, carefully remove the old paste with a Q-tip. The benefits that I have found are the following: There is no pain. Perhaps a slight tingling at first. As chaparral only refers to cancer skin cancer on face without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue cells, skin can quickly begin to repair itself naturally after the cancer is gone leaving usually just a "new skin" pink spot for several months skin cancer on face. And all this at a fraction of the cost of surgery.

If all this seems a little strange to you, please understand that this is nothing new. There are a number of books that have been written that offer other non-evasive and less painful treatment of skin cancer and basal cell carcinoma too. I recommend this book, Cancer skin response: natural treatment for keratosis and basal cell carcinoma Sqamos-Cell. This book is a fair price, easy to read and offers what many might think is a better method skin cancer on face. But check and see what works best for you, knowing that many others have adopted a non-AMA. In both cases, use a dermatologist to diagnose what type of skin you may have disease, discuss,skin cancer on face.

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