According to a study just completed, the cost of health care has increased at an average rate of 20 percent. Not only that, spending continues to haunt bag brand all medical expenses of 75 percent. Considering the above facts, the rising cost of medical care and treatment, it is essential that the person has a health insurance policy that covers appropriate and reduces the risk of financial stress in case of hospitalization or serious illness .
In addition, the government is also active in trying to reduce the exorbitant expenses out of pocket. He promotes this type of health plans respect health that are Ie good health insurance market under respect health.
respect health
A typical health insurance policies usually cover the basic cost mentioned below hospitalization associated with a disease / accident.
1. Boarding accommodation costs provided by the home / hospital nursing.
Two. costs of nursing
Three. Consultants, medical personnel, anesthesiologist respect health, surgeon, special charges
April. Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, drugs, medical and surgical equipment, operating expenses and similar theater
These are expenses that are not respect health covered by the general health insurance scheme typical.
1. The non-allopathic or naturopathic treatment
Two. Group war and nuclear perils
Three. Charges home / hospital respect health nurses who are not part of any treatment
April. The consumption of alcohol and drugs, intentional self-harm, venereal diseases, infertility, is' run-down, general weakness, convalescence
May The cost of hearing aids and glasses Contact lenses
June Injury / illness during the first month of respect health the beginning of the insurance policy
There are some permanent exceptions consist of the following:
1. Dental treatment or surgery of any kind unless requiring hospitalization
Two. Diseases related to childbirth and pregnancy
Three. Any internal congenital disease
April. Expenses arising from HIV or AIDS and related diseases
May Destroy the terrorist act, strikes, riots, war induced by treatment
June The use respect health of drugs, narcotics, alcohol, and intentional self-inflicted injury abuse.
July. Aesthetic or cosmetic treatment, lifestyle change, inoculation, vaccination and respect health Plastic Surgery required in the event of an accident.
respect health
A common question that always comes during a discussion on health insurance policy is whether age affects health policy? The answer is yes, age has an impact on the insurance plan in terms of cost and coverage. A rule of thumb is, the cost of health insurance is directly proportional to the age of the insured.
respect health
As a human being grows, he / she becomes more prone to distress, disorders and diseases. Therefore, there is an increase in the cost of insurance premiums.
"respect health"
There are tax benefits of health insurance as well. A sum of Rs 15,000 per year paid under a health insurance premium for self, spouse two children are exempt from taxes.
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